Aerial Mapping and

Modeling Course

Elevate your career in aerial mapping and modeling.

Develop the skills you need to effectively gather,

analyze and export mapping data.

Two-day Workshop Schedule

Aerial Mapping and Modeling with Pix4D Workshop

Workshop Overview

Lesson 1: Introduction to Mapping & Modeling

  • Types of Mapping Data
  • Types of Mapping Products
  • Platform and Payload Considerations
  • Mapping for Construction
  • Mapping for Agricultural Uses
  • Mapping for Engineering

Lesson 2: Aerial Photogrammetry

  • Principles of Photogrammetry
  • Photogrammetric Geometry
  • Aerial Triangulation
  • Photogrammetric Procedures
  • Common Coverage Errors
  • Georeferencin
  • Spatial Reference Systems

Lesson 3: Getting Started with Pix4D

  • Pix4D Account Levels
  • Autonomous Flight Planning
  • Waypoints
  • Collecting Nadir Imagery for 2D Mapping

Lesson 4: 3D Modeling

  • Collecting Oblique Imagery for 3D Modeling
  • Orbit at End of Mission
  • DJI Point of Interest
  • Manual Collection

Lesson 5: Using the Map Engine

  • Map Engine Processing Options
  • Map Engine Data Requirements
  • Uploading Datasets
  • Accessing the Final Product
  • Common Issues in Low Quality Maps

Lesson 6: Analyzing Your Data

  • Layers of a Pix4D Map
  • Analyzing Evaluation Data
  • Performing Volumetric Calculations
  • Cut, Fill, and Volumetric Measurement Calculation
  • Lowest Point and Best Fit Base Planes
  • Adjusting Histogram to Change Elevation Values

Lesson 7: Map Accuracy

  • Relative vs. Absolute Accuracy
  • Project Accuracy Requirements
  • Survey-Grade Accuracy
  • Pix4D Accuracy Levels
  • Factors that Improve Map Accuracy
  • Techniques to Improve Map Accuracy

Lesson 8: Ground Control Points

  • Creating GCPs
  • Placing GCPs
  • Utilizing the GCP Checklist
  • Submitting GCPs in Pix4D

Lesson 9: Exporting Your Data

  • Export Options in Pix4D
  • Static Layer Export Procedures
  • Custom Layer Export Procedures
  • Sharing Your Map

Improve Efficiency. Increase Safety. Reduce Costs.

Construction, engineering and agriculture are just a few of the industries that have begun to use drones to collect mapping and modeling data. High-quality maps can be produced more quickly and cheaply than with traditional methods, and the demand for drone mapping services is growing rapidly visit This workshop is designed to teach students how to use the latest drone mapping technology to collect, analyze and export high-quality mapping and modeling data for commercial use.